Chinese Phrase - He, she, it


He, she, it

Syllable-level playback



tā, tā, tā

Literal meaning: He, She, It
Notice how the 3 different words in English translate into the very same sound (not character) in Chinese. Meaning that in written form there is a difference between the three, but in speech they're all the same.

Being aware of this also helps westerners understand why many Chinese natives mix up "he" and "she", suddenly saying stuff like "her wife, he is" and "his husband, she is".
Check out this group of Chinese phrases too. You might find more useful Mandarin phrases. The current Chinese phrase "He, she, it" appears in this group
Miscellaneous - Grammar

Learn how to say the Chinese phrase for He, she, it with standard Mandarin pronunciation. Free Mandarin phrases with pinyin and literal translation