
Contact Standard Mandarin


I'd appreciate it, if you write me some feedback.

If you have a good suggestion, some criticism or perhaps even some praise, then please do not hesitate to contact me - it is highly appreciated! You can use the email form below.


Missing License Key?

After completed payment, a license key is automatically sent to your email address immediately. But please note: Sometimes this email ends up in your spam folder, because of being filtered out.

Please take a look in your spam folder, if you can't seem to find an expected email in your inbox folder. You may not be aware of the existence of such a folder, but it will be there if you use a Hotmail account or the like.


Who Is Behind Standard Mandarin?

My name is Joel Hansen. I started learning Chinese in 2003. I am still learning, fortunately though, at a different level.

You're more than welcome to contact me using the form on this page. You can also find my offline contact details in the footer below.

Contact Us

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